Benefits Of Cleaning Your Trash Bins

Guest Contributor: Richard Roberts, Schambs Property Management

Clean your trash cans and recycling bins… they store trash, they are supposed to stink! This is one of the most common objections we hear, especially in new neighborhoods. You clean your bathrooms, your kitchen, your clothes, even your car before they get so dirty that you can’t stand them. Your trash and recycling bins are no different. Bacteria start to grow in your trash bins from the very first use. Bacteria emit foul-smelling gaseous molecules that cause awful odors. It does not take very long until a lot of bacteria are growing in that really small space. You have to eliminate bacteria if you want your bins to smell better.

As warns, leaving bins in that state can even devalue the home. You simply don’t want a dirty trash bin on your property. But your home needs the bins to store nasty waste. You have to balance the two, but how? Regular cleaning your trash can and recycling bin is the solution. This article will explain the benefits of cleaning your bins.

Protect your home from wild animals

Wild animals are always looking for a free meal. They follow the smell from trash bins to locate rotten food items on your property. If you have a smelly trash bin at home, it will attract wild cats, dogs, raccoons, and rodents to the house. These animals will rummage through the trash bins in search of food. Sometimes, they even turn your trash bin into their home. 

These animals can spread harmful parasites, viruses, and bacteria. For instance, raccoons spread rabies and rats transmit hantavirus and plague when they rummage through dirty trash bins. One way to prevent these critters from taking up residence on your property is by cleaning the trash bin. If there is no odor, wild animals will not find their way into your home.

Eliminate odors

Your trash bin is where you throw things that smell the worst. Such items include dairy, poultry, fish, meat, pet waste, wipes, garden waste, paper towels, diapers, etc…, all of these are biodegradable waste. As such, bacteria will act on them to cause decay. During decomposition, this waste releases gases containing nitrogen and sulphur. These gases spread throughout your property and the neighborhood. The smell also attracts wild animals and insects into your property. The best way to eliminate the odor is to keep your trash can clean.

Eliminate harmful bacteria

Trash cans are warm, dark, and damp. That provides a perfect environment for bacteria to thrive. reports that Listeria, Salmonella, and E.coli all contribute to illnesses, hospital admissions, and deaths in the United States. It is not surprising that these are also the most common bacteria you find in dirty trash cans and recycling bins. When you clean your trash bin, you prevent it from harboring bacteria harmful to your family’s health.

Protect your home from insects

Flies and insects follow the smell of trash. That is because the waste provides a suitable environment for them to lay eggs. These eggs grow to become maggots. Maggots are gross! The maggots in turn become houseflies that constitute a nuisance when emptying trash and transmit infectious diseases. 

It has been reported that houseflies carry over a million bacteria from trash bins to food. These insects are less likely to thrive on your property if you clean your trash bins. 

Boost your property's curb appeal

No matter how beautiful the landscaping or exterior, dirty trash bins can reduce the curb appeal of your home. Insects, rodents and foul smells from your trash bins can harm your property value. However, a clean trash bin can complement your curb appeal and boost the value of your property. A sparkling trash bin with no smell can make a massive difference to the aesthetic appeal of your home.

Protect your community

Dirty trash bins can not only harm you and your family, they can also affect your neighbors. Insects, flies and rodents can transfer bacteria from your trash bin to your neighbor’s houses. In addition, the smell can spread into other people’s homes. You make your entire community more pleasant by simply cleaning your trash bins.

How to clean your trash bin

Nobody likes to clean trash bins–it's dirty, disgusting work. Using a garden hose and detergent is not powerful enough to clean, sanitize or properly disinfect dirty bins. If you use a pressure washer, it is going spray back on you! If you use harsh chemicals, usually bleach or ammonia, you put yourself, your pets and the environment at risk.

TriStar Bin Cleaning steam cleans trash bins using our state of the art bin cleaning truck. There are no harsh detergents or chemicals involved. Just filtered, softened 200°F water, pressurized to 3,000psi. When finished, the bins are spotlessly clean, disinfected and smell like new. The entire process only takes a couple of minutes!

Learn more about our amazing service and schedule a bin cleaning appointment by clicking Get Started.

Trash CAN Cleaning TRUCK

After a few seconds on the bin cleaning truck the bugs are gone!


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